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Dynamic Flow @ Open House with Laura Coates.

This is a strength class - a class to activate our physical strength and ignite our inner fire.

This dynamic fast paced class is full of creative transitions and opportunities to explore new ways of moving around the mat. Laura is inspired by music and her curated yoga soundtrack plays a large part in creating a whole rounded emotive practice. Join this class and wake up to high energy to take into your day.

This class offers space for challenging and encouraging movement with plenty of variations given for all abilities.

About this event:

  • Dates - 7-8am every Monday & Friday.

  • Pay What You Want Prices - to adjust to the seasons of your own abundance:

    • Minimum - £3

    • Suggested - £6

    • Abundant - £9

  • Location - Upstairs @ Open House. Please arrive 5-10 minutes before class to settle onto the mat.

  • Equipment - Yoga mats and equipment will be available to borrow, you’re also welcome to bring your own.

  • Booking - Limited to 12 spots, to book your spot please click below.

  • I first started practising yoga to give me some ‘me time’ when I was a full time Primary School Teacher. Soon enough I was hooked and I developed a daily practice. Initially the physical postures (asanas) were what kept me coming back, determined to master Chaturanga and Bakasana (crow pose) but then it was the Savasana that I longed for… someone giving me permission to stop.

    Since then I discover something different each and every time I step on the mat. Each pose, each breath, each flow allowing me to delve a little deeper…

    Yoga is an ever evolving journey unique to each and every one of us. It’s an art. It’s a science and it will only bring us joy!

  • Flow Yoga refers to the styles of yoga characterized by stringing postures (asanas) together so that you move from one to another, seamlessly, with a big focus on your breath - your life force. In flow yoga styles you will feel the benefits of lengthening, twisting, balancing, bending, strengthening, reconnecting and revitalising your body and mind. There are several styles incorporated into flow yoga including Vinyasa, Hatha, Ashtanga and Dru yoga, each one it’s own sacred practice and offering something different for the yogi’s body, mind and spirit.

    While yoga is an excellent way to keep your body healthy, mobile and strong (especially your core), it is so much more than a form of physical exercise.

    The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit root “Yuj’ which means to join or unite, and in the old Hindu yogic scriptures the practice of yoga is seen as both a discipline and an art form that connects the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness, meaning we feel more in harmony in our own body-mind-spirit, and that we as human beings remember how connected we are to each other and to the rest of nature.

    In a world where we see things in separate categories (body or mind, out-there or in-here, work or rest, them or us etc), that feeling of union is pretty amazing, even if it starts as just a feeling for a fleeting hour on the mat. Yoga is a wholeness practice, for every body and every mind, and that’s also why no one can be bad at it.

20 May

Embodied Movement with Tai Chi and Qigong @ Open House with Matthew Laurie.